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About us

Jesus changes everything


The Bible tells us that Jesus called His first followers simply by saying 'Follow Me'.  They took the first step in faith to follow Him. They believed.


Throughout the New Testament, we see examples of Jesus' followers, His disciples, misunderstanding instruction, making mistakes, doubting Him and even falling asleep when He needed them to pray.  They were flawed like us but Jesus still chose them, still called them His beloved, and still used them to reach others.  They were truly His. They belonged.


When Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit came and gave strength to believers.  Through the Spirit's empowerment, they developed boldness to share their faith and live it out in everyday life-- even when it was hard-- even to death. As followers of Christ, they were known as "Christians". They became. 


This is our heartbeat for you and your family. We want you to take the first step in faith to follow Jesus, the risen Savior. We want you to discover Wrightsdale Baptist Church as the spiritual family you can belong to. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we want to see you become more like Jesus everyday.  Believe.  Belong. Become.  We are ready to help you on your journey with Jesus. 


Our Story 


Wrightsdale Baptist Church is longest-running Southern Baptist Church in Pennsylvania (Southern Baptist Convention)   

Founded in 1933 in a small, white chapel at a country crossroads, Wrightsdale began as a small gathering of farm families reaching the local agriculture community with the good news of Jesus. Since then, we have grown into a dynamic,                    multi-generational church with people of all ages, backgrounds, and upbringings, from all around southern Lancaster County  and Northeast Maryland.  We are united in our desire to "Be Jesus, Share Jesus, and Love Like Jesus." 


What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is God's inspired and infallible Word, and is the full and final authority for all our faith and practice.       

Our doctrinal beliefs are outlined in The Baptist Faith and Message (2000).


church leadership
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Ryan Day

Lead Pastor

Pictured with wife Heather

Jared Carline

Next-Gen Pastor (Youth & Young Adults)  Pictured with wife Emily 

Christy Kraus

Director of Kid Ministries (PreK-5th)

Pictured with husband Rob 

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Dee Henry

Sunday School Director 

Pictured with husband Steve


Jess Lewis

Praise Team Director

Rick Welch 

Chairman of Deacons

Pictured with wife Carol 



Charisa Kraus

2024 Summer Ministry Intern


Katie Hess

Administrative Assistant 

Pictured with husband Steve

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